Protection against bots and hackers!


POWER CAPTCHA protects your website and API against bots and unauthorized persons.

GDPR compliant!



Authorized access?

POWER CAPTCHA - Funktionen im Detail, Captcha, Sicherheitslevel, Barrierefreiheit, Formulare, Login-Bereiche, No-Captcha, konfigurieren

You want to protect your forms and login areas against attacks? Simply protecting them against bots is not enough, as many unauthorized accesses are made by humans! Many captchas cannot effectively limit attacks by unauthorized people – such as combining login names and passwords or using a form multiple times. In contrast to other captchas, POWER CAPTCHA not only distinguishes whether a human or a robot has triggered an interaction – it also uses adjustable values to check whether the access is authorized. Every interaction with POWER CAPTCHA generates an encrypted code that the central AI evaluates and remembers. To protect against bots and hackers, the level of difficulty of the solution is then increased, the response time is extended or further interactions may be rejected. Just as it fits within the framework of your strategy – and GDPR compliant! You can decide on the desired balance between usability and accessibility as well as the security level.

POWER CAPTCHA - Funktionen im Detail, Captcha, Sicherheitslevel, Barrierefreiheit, Formulare, Login-Bereiche, No-Captcha, konfigurieren
GDPR compliant, configurable and easy to integrate

POWER CAPTCHA is privacy compliant, easy to install and compatible with most systems. For integration into your website or app, you can follow our instructions. In our demo you can also simulate the application on your website / app. Depending on your license, you can configure POWER CAPTCHA for your needs. You can find the features included in the individual plans and our FAQ on our plans page. In our free whitepaper you will find the most important facts and features as well as a system description of POWER CAPTCHA.

You want to know which settings you can use to protect your website against misuse of online functions, SPAM or theft of information? Here you can find examples and configuration options for protecting your forms and login areas, as well as examples for using POWER CAPTCHA as a no-captcha variant. Learn more about features, security levels, usability and accessibility and how POWER CAPTCHA can help you to detect and successfully prevent unauthorized access by robots and people to your protected areas.

Test our POWER CAPTCHA demo


Test now!

Test our POWER CAPTCHA demo

You would like to test POWER CAPTCHA? Try out our demo and simulate the application on your website / app with fictitious data.

DSGVO-konform mit POWER CAPTCHA, Datenschutz, GDPR, Captcha, personenbezogene Daten verschlüsselt gespeichert


Compliant with data protection laws?!

DSGVO-konform mit POWER CAPTCHA, Datenschutz, GDPR, Captcha, personenbezogene Daten verschlüsselt gespeichert

The use of POWER CAPTCHA is GDPR compliant. This is how we meet the legal requirements for data security:


How to install POWER CAPTCHA

POWER CAPTCHA - Captcha WordPress-Plugin und JavaScript installieren, Token verifizieren

Want to know how to integrate POWER CAPTCHA in your website or app? Here you will find instructions for integration with WordPress, TYPO3 and JavaScript.

POWER CAPTCHA - Captcha WordPress-Plugin und JavaScript installieren, Token verifizieren


Get started with POWER CAPTCHA

Starte jetzt mit POWER CAPTCHA - einfach zu installieren und DSGVO-konform.

You want to use POWER CAPTCHA on your website? Then get your license here and follow our step-by-step instructions.

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