Test now!

Do you want to protect forms or login areas against bots or attacks by individuals? Test the POWER CAPTCHA demo! In our test contact form, you can enter fictitious data to simulate use by your visitors. To test POWER CAPTCHA on your own website, use our free trial period (30 days)!


As this is a demo, the e-mail address will not be saved and no e-mail will be sent.

Demo instructions

Here you can test a demo form protected with POWER CAPTCHA! How the demo works:


Variety of variations

POWER CAPTCHA demo, how to, test, application, testing, login, form

With each application of POWER CAPTCHA we generate a new and individual captcha. With each request POWER CAPTCHA randomly changes the displayed background motifs. In addition, we randomly change more than 15 parameters with each request, such as the color of the solution values in the foreground and the searched value in the background. We also change the position and display of the values. This results in a large number of different variations that make it difficult for bots and human hackers to gain access to your protected area.

Find out more about the functions of POWER CAPTCHA and how you can configure the application to suit your needs!

POWER CAPTCHA demo, how to, test, application, testing, login, form


You have a login area that you want to protect against bots and hackers? Here you can try out a test login protected with POWER CAPTCHA. With the Enterprise version, you can also limit the use of the user name, among other things. Here you can find some configuration examples for the protection of login areas.



Get started with POWER CAPTCHA

Starte jetzt mit POWER CAPTCHA - einfach zu installieren und DSGVO-konform.

You want to use POWER CAPTCHA on your website? Then get your license here and follow our step-by-step instructions.

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